BBC Journalists Show News Nose

November 7, 2010

Short honk: I am not a real journalist. I don’t have a pension. I don’t strike. “BBC News Staff Strike over Pensions” alerted me that real journalists write large with their actions. I am certain the rationale is solid. Nevertheless, I noted this passage as exemplary:

Members of the National Union of Journalists at the BBC are taking part in a two-day strike in a dispute over proposed changes to the pension plan….When employees draw their pension, payments will increase automatically each year in line with inflation, by up to 4% – again up from a previous offer of 2.5%. Bectu, which represents technical and production staff, said after last month’s ballot that the amended offer was “the best that can be achieved through negotiation”.

The impression this leaves upon me is that what is offered is not enough. The goose gets nothing yet does not complain. Real journalists do that I suppose. I do remember that the BBC search boss told me that the BBC had search nailed. I suppose that type of confidence extends to financial acumen as well. Pension funding and search are obviously no brainers.

Stephen E Arnold, November 7, 2010

Freebie, just like a pension except without the money part.


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