MarkLogic Delivers a Hat Trick

November 18, 2010

On November 17, 2010, in the high stakes game of data management, MarkLogic delivered a hat trick. First, the company put 450 to 500 people in a ballroom. In today’s stormy financial weather, the turnout shouts. The second goal was the line up of speakers. MarkLogic’s president hit his stride with a run down of MarkLogic’s financial performance, technical innovations, and client uses of the MarkLogic server’s ability to get unruly information to deliver results. The third goal was the technical deep dives that revealed MarkLogic’s robustness and the technology’s performance.

The MarkLogic government summit also revealed how the firm’s technology is helping veterans gain access to resources. The Warrior Gateway, built on MarkLogic’s technology, came to life in the remarks of Colonel David Sutherland. How powerful was the colonel’s 40 minute talk?

A three minute standing ovation and six people sitting near me with tears in their eyes. The emotion spoke volumes about how effective data management helps solve difficult problems for veterans re-entering their home life, forever changed by war fighting. Ease of use, yes. Performance, yes. Stable system, yes. Many vendors’ systems–maybe most vendors’ systems?–do not measure up to what MarkLogic delivers. That’s MarkLogic’s gain: surging revenues and customers who know the product delivers.

I was there and paid for my time, but I would have gone for free. I think you will want to navigate to and read about the firm’s enabling technology. I think you  will find the videos shot on site and uploaded in near real time interesting.

But the message is, “MarkLogic has a technology that works.”

In today’s world where marketing baloney and former English majors explain complex technology, I find it refreshing to learn from customers how rocket science helps people meet their invitation needs.

MarkLogic won today in a shut out. Get your ticket for the next match now. I expect a repeat.

Stephen E Arnold, November 18, 2010

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One Response to “MarkLogic Delivers a Hat Trick”

  1. Dave Kellogg on November 18th, 2010 9:38 am

    Thanks Stephen. I, too, was blown away by Colonel Sutherland’s speech and am extremely grateful he spent his time with us yesterday.


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