OpenText Turns to an Oracle

November 23, 2010

According to a news story in IT Channel, Open Text has worked a deal to integrate more closely with Oracle. “Open Text et Oracle renforcent leur partenariat” said:

Open Text has a technological license and of specific distribution for Oracle Universal Online Archive Content Management SDK which enables him to embark Oracle technology in its solutions. Open Text will be able to optimize the integration of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g and other functionalities of the Oracle platform.

Open Text has been taking some heat from Autonomy and Mark Logic. Both companies have demonstrated an ability to compete in markets where Open Text has gained traction. Open Text’s angle seems to be “information governance”, which I find a somewhat nebulous concept.

Open Text, as you know, has a pushcart filled with search technology. The properties are mostly stand alone; for example, the SGML search function dating from Tim Bray’s tenure, Fulcrum, BRS, IDI Basis, the Nstein tools, and other bits and pieces from the various acquisitions. I think RedDot arrives with an Autonomy stub.

Will this tie up work? Both Autonomy and Mark Logic have more refined marketing and sales methods. Open Text will have to innovate, and I am not sure that Oracle’s middleware or database will provide much more than a license to hunt for deals among organizations with Oracle database administrators eager to protect their sinecures.

Stephen E Arnold, November 23, 2010



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