Ant Tech: Not So New
December 16, 2010
Short honk: “Next Generation of Algorithms Inspired by Problem-Solving Ants” talked about swarming algorithms and hungry ants. If you are interested in swarming ants, you will find that ants are clever beasties. The write up reminded me of the Inferno search method, developed by NuTech Solutions. I did some work for the company eight years ago. The NuTech method involved swarming algorithms applied to search and retrieval. Just wanted to remind my two or three readers that information that seems so fresh and novel is often not that. NuTech was realigned and the Inferno search system shelved. The math wizard behind the product moved to Australia. Inferno did not need live ants, just algorithms that implemented certain numerical recipes based in part on what is called mereology.
Stephen E Arnold, December 16, 2010