Exorbyte eCommerce Search

December 17, 2010

Move over Mercado and Endeca, Exorbyte is joining the ecommerce search arena and is making a grab for the little guy. The brief, informational overview video on Exorbyte’s Commerce Search details the main strategy behind this powerful search service engine.

It opens by explaining that the “name of the game is conversion rates”, i.e. tons of marketing dollars bring window shoppers to e-retailers, but the key lies in converting those browsers into shoppers. Unless that happens, all that marketing money spent getting the shopper to the site goes straight down the toilet. So Exorbyte has analyzed why people leave an online store without making a purchase and the number one contributing factor is that browsers cannot find what they want. To combat this issue, Exorbyte offers merchandising focused reporting features that take the functionality of Google Analytics a step further. These reports can tell you what people are actually searching for and more importantly, what queries are yielding no results so autocomplete fields can be adjusted accordingly.

Only slightly related, but I would be remiss if I didn’t also mention Exorbyte’s novel error tolerance capabilities. Spelling errors in search queries are a problem of the past.

What could be most amazing is you can have search implemented on your website within fifteen minutes thanks to the user-friendly interface. And, Exorbyte offers a 30-day free trial. Once you are pleased with the initial results, and Exorbyte is fairly certain you will be, you will begin paying a flat monthly fee based on the number of queries per month, starting at $119 for the littlest guys.

If you want to check out what Exorbyte’s ecommerce search can do on a live site, check out the example they provided in the video: www.onlynaturalpet.eu.

Sarah Rogers, December 17, 2010



One Response to “Exorbyte eCommerce Search”

  1. Thomas Braun on December 17th, 2010 9:25 am

    The URL of the reference/example is wrong. It is:


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