SharePoint White Papers Categorized

December 17, 2010

I know you need some reading over the New Year’s holiday. I just learned that Bill Baer, a “master for SharePoint”, has published “Categorized Index of SharePoint 2010 White Papers. I don’t know too much about building categories. My miserable attempts ended with the ABI/INFORM controlled term project and limped through several taxonomy projects for the late and lamented Ziff Communications Corp. Certainly my skills are nothing compared to the 20 somethings now pitching ontological skills that would make a monk in Mont St Michel’s scriptorium weep.

I did notice that there was a top level category for search called “Search.” There is one white paper in the category: “Search Topology Operations in SharePoint Server 2010.”  The fastest category was the collection of white papers about making SharePoint run like an Olympic sprinter. Search is a tidy little category.

We all know that search—particularly with the tools Microsoft provides—is no big deal. If it were a challenging function, I would anticipate more white papers. Now that performance topic warrants lots of words.

Is SharePoint search trivial? Is performance the big problem? Interesting page. All those white papers about performance. There is message there.

Stephen E Arnold, December 17, 2010

Freebie just like the white papers


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