Webinar Finder from Peelon

December 20, 2010

We’ve recently stumbled upon a promising new resource at Peelon.com.  To put it in their own words, Peelon.com “is a webinar directory and can be used as a webinar search engine” AND it is absolutely free of charge, not to mention free of advertising.  Peelon vows to do just two things: help find a webinar, or help promote a webinar.  After only having investigated the site for minutes, the straightforward, no frills functionality was easily harnessed.

The querying capability is there, allowing the user to sort all available records by date or time, industry and type of webinar.  It wouldn’t be surprising to see these initial option categories expanding with increased traffic.  But for now, if those options are not sufficient to pinpoint the e-lecture of choice, there is a search box to enter any relevant words or phrase.  The results can be filtered by date, comments or even popularity.

Click on any webinar and one will find all the pertinent details spelled out: date, time, description etc.  Curiosity led me to check out the “Add new webinar” link which prompted a page of empty webinar details waiting for user input.  By the looks of it, the process to post a webinar can’t take longer than five minutes and even that includes one coffee break.

All in all, this site is free of clutter, hassle and just plain free.  You won’t hear any complaining here!

Sarah Rogers, December 20, 2010



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