Scientific Abbreviations Look Up

December 22, 2010

For some terms abbreviations and acronyms or the long form (LF) Federal Bureau of Investigation and the short form (SF) FBI are immediately recognized.

However, the exact understanding of some abbreviations is not always so cut and paste. According to the Science Base article “Searching For Scientific Abbreviations” there are no clear cut abbreviation rules for the science world. Researchers have sought to lay out specific rules for scientific abbreviations.

One new technique “known as LFXtractor, uses noun chunking together with a distance metric to detect SF- LF pairs regardless of the presence of parenthetical expressions.” However with no exact rules, the verdict is still out on how to use and understand scientific abbreviations.

Google helps when it comes to searching for the abbreviations but surprisingly even the search giant can’t do it all. The specific area or niche must be known because the same abbreviation can mean two different things depending on the subject area. Researchers may have to go back to the drawing board.

April Holmes, December 22, 2010



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