Semantic Web Fire Starting from Google

January 5, 2011

Welcome to Metaweb” on YouTube showcases the startup Metaweb Technologies, home of Freebase, acquired by Google in July 2010.  The cute video belies the huge difficulty of what librarians refer to as authority control, but in this case organizing concepts for the entire web.  An admirable project, for sure, but I wonder how much effort The Math Club is really planning to put into this idea.  After all, Google has a history of both not doing much with the startups it takes over, and also of figuring out semantic relationships rather than having them created.  Maybe this purchase is simply a way of acquiring talent, or maybe even paying off investors? Google has been working on the semantic web for years, though, so maybe 2011 will bring some fire starting that won’t fizzle.

Alice Wasielewski, January 5, 2011


2 Responses to “Semantic Web Fire Starting from Google”

  1. Seth Grimes on January 5th, 2011 9:20 am

    Google has a history… of figuring out semantic relationships rather than having them created.”

    Yes! YES!

  2. Yuriy Guskov on January 6th, 2011 10:21 am

    Metaweb is about only one of ideas which can change Web:
    1. Anything has meaning.
    2. Identified once, mean anywhere.
    3. Generalize, specify, and combine information as necessary.

    Their entities is a result of identification which can be handled by URN (official standard of W3C) too. But except of identification, we need more things to make it work.

    More details can found at

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