Attensity’s New Year’s Resolution

January 11, 2011

Attensity, now a multi-faceted technology management firm, has set a new course for itself this year in Making it Work in 2011!.  In the past it seems as though the company’s focus was increasingly on government contracts, as illustrated by the formation of the subsidiary Attensity Government Systems.  Well oh how “the times they are a changing.”  In a blog post on the company’s website in late December, buried beneath references to both classical music and reality television, the new direction is laid out.

Currently, a massive amount of data is generated by the surging wave of social networking sites and the new breed of citizen journalists.  Per Attensity:  “These days, competitors often have access to the same source material of customer conversations from Twitter, Facebook, blogs, forums, and review sites.  However, where the battle is truly won or lost is in how companies are able to harness and arrange that material, embellishing it with insights from their own internal survey and call center data, and transforming it into a symphony of action.”  So, Attensity’s new focus for the coming year is to improve their current menu, giving companies the option to act on multi-channel conversations.

It appears that like many companies, Attensity sees an opportunity in repackaging their services for broader consumption in an effort to cash in on the public’s embracing of these fresh and exciting technologies.  The same blog post gives a quick nod to the outgoing year’s poor economic makeup, though one is still left speculating if its main motive for the shift from its government affiliations to those of private consumers is to have a bountiful 2011. No problem with that.

Sarah Rogers, January 11, 2011



3 Responses to “Attensity’s New Year’s Resolution”

  1. Tweets that mention Attensity’s New Year’s Resolution : Beyond Search -- on January 11th, 2011 1:37 pm

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stephen E Arnold. Stephen E Arnold said: New blog post: Attensity's New Year's Resolution […]

  2. Michelle de Haaff on January 11th, 2011 2:25 pm

    Thanks for the post Stephen! While we did announced our government unit last year – we have always been focused on large scale, voice of the customer text analytics implementations and look forward to continuing to serve large enterprises in their endeavor to uncover insights in social media, surveys, emails, chats, CRM notes, etc.

  3. kevin deviercy on February 7th, 2011 12:52 pm

    the key to keep your resolution is a resolution man

    really !!!


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