2007 Semantic Search Info Still Relevant

January 13, 2011

Short honk. We had a long call today (January 12, 2011) about semantic search. In the course of the call, I mentioned a presentation by Jon Atle Gulla, a profession in 2007 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. I did some poking around and found the link to the presentation. Quite useful in 2007 and still germane today. The presentation puts into context some of the work that must be done to deploy an effective semantic technology system in an organization. The slide deck is on Slideshare at this link. Registration may be required to access the file.

Stephen E Arnold, January 13, 2011



One Response to “2007 Semantic Search Info Still Relevant”

  1. Lynda Moulton on January 13th, 2011 4:53 pm

    Great reference! Wish I had cited it in my recent report on Semantic Software Technologies – a picture is always worth a lot and his ontology explanation is excellent. Coming from information management in the energy field, I thought the example was great; Christmas Trees (or Donkeys) in the oil industry make the point of the need for semantic disambiguation clearly and shows how domain ontologies are applied. Thank you for sharing, Steve.

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