Big Bandits? Apple, Google, or Microsoft

January 16, 2011

I feel enervated when an azure chip consultant forces me to decide which company is not just a bandit, the biggest bandit. Navigate to “WebM vs. H.264: Google Bets Big on Itself.” The write up does a good job of explaining how these large monopolies are trying to become even larger and exert more control over things digital. I am not a video hound, but the goslings and many other folks in Harrod’s Creek cannot get through a day without large doses of kick back, couch potato action. The addled goose? Not so much.

The story quotes a poobah from the azure chip consulting firm, Yankee Group. Here’s the quote I liked:

“The question is, who are you going to trust to not hold standards licensees to ransom? Little MPEG or giant Google?” Howe [Yankee Group expert] asked. “At this point, I don’t think we know who is the bigger bandit.”

Wow. Apple, Google, and Microsoft described as alleged bandits. Exciting.

Stephen E Arnold, January 17, 2011

Freebie, unlike the advice of azure chip consultants commenting about banditry.


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