Clearwell to the Cloud, Microsoft Style?

January 17, 2011

The EWeek Storage Station blog warns us that “Clearwell Now Enabling E-Discovery in Microsoft Cloud.” Cloud storage is one of the latest trends going around, but if you have sensitive information stored on it (like where you hid Jimmy Hoffa’s body or the fable Amber Room stolen by German soldiers) you should take it off.

“Clearwell Systems, which specializes in finding necessary data for litigation and audit purposes, announced this week that the latest version of its e-discovery platform now allows customers to discover information in emails and SharePoint docs from Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite.”

Companies like Clearwell are using software to track and collect cloud data through ediscovery processes that can be easily gathered for legal purposes. Cloud computing is a growing marketplace, so there are millions of potential files that contain information to help in investigations. Clearwell is one of the first companies in this new market, so congratulations are in order for them.

Whitney Grace, January 17, 2011



4 Responses to “Clearwell to the Cloud, Microsoft Style?”

  1. Weekly Top Story Digest - January 19, 2011 | ComplexDiscovery on January 19th, 2011 9:02 am

    […] to the Cloud, Microsoft Style? (Whitney […]

  2. Vendor Clips | January 19, 2011 | ComplexDiscovery on January 19th, 2011 9:03 am

    […] to the Cloud, Microsoft Style? (Whitney […]

  3. Vendor Clips - December | ComplexDiscovery on January 19th, 2011 9:06 am

    […] to the Cloud, Microsoft Style? (Whitney […]

  4. January 20th: our weekly “Vendor Clips” — recent e-discovery vendor news and views | The Electronic Discovery Reading Room on January 20th, 2011 6:59 am

    […] to the Cloud, Microsoft Style? (Whitney […]

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