Linguamatics Says, Keep Experimenting

January 24, 2011

Linguamatics, which produces natural language processing technology, has posted a blog entry titled “Trend Analysis- Can a Prediction be Made?” The answer depends on the mathematics and the definition of a “prediction.”

For its example, the blog compares the popularity of a couple of politicians during their debates, as recorded through Twitter, to their election results. Using their I2E text mining software to analyze the Tweets, Linguamatics found a strong correlation.

However, the blog is missing details needed to definitively answer their own question. How did they use their data to calculate probability? Furthermore, what other types of predictions could this process make, and how?

The company claims that:

“This case study shows how the power of using NLP with the I2E software platform can be used to gain quite powerful insights on what is likely to happen based on opinions expressed by people using social media platforms.”

I’m afraid I’d have to see more results before I can agree with that opinion.

To read more about the company on their website, go to

Cynthia Murrell January 22, 2011



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