Is Google Ignoring an Apple Method?

February 7, 2011

Love it or hate it, the Apple iPhone set the yardstick against which smartphones are measured. Microsoft has not slipstreamed fixes to its Windows 7 Phone. Now Google seems to be following the Microsoft path, not the Apple four lane superhighway.

Secure Computing Magazine reports that “Google Fails to Fix Android Flaw” in the newest 2.3 version. Google was aware of the flaw in Android 2.2 last year and promised to fix the defect. When 2.3 was churned out, hackers went to work and easily cracked the patch. Android’s flaw is as follows:

“If a user is tricked into visiting a malicious site, the flaw could let hackers view any files stored on the SDcard, as well as view a list of apps and upload them to a remote server.”

Disabling JavaScript support and/or using a third party browser can avoid the hacking problem. Google has again promised to fix its popular mobile OS in the next version and are already working on a solution, but we’ll see how that goes.

What may be important is that Google has not gotten its chickens in the coop. Another indication of the similarity in management approaches and customer focus between Microsoft and Google? And search? Maybe taking a back seat? Just a thought.

Whitney Grace, February 7, 2011



One Response to “Is Google Ignoring an Apple Method?”

  1. Tweets that mention Is Google Ignoring an Apple Method? : Beyond Search -- on February 7th, 2011 5:00 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stephen E Arnold, apple. apple said: Is Google Ignoring an Apple Method? (Beyond Search): Love it or hate it, the Apple iPhone set the yardsti… #apple […]

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