Microsoft Israel and the Cloud

February 11, 2011

Stories in The Globes are often wonderful, but they do go dead. Navigate to “Microsoft Israel to Recruit 100 for R&D”. The Globes reports that “Microsoft Israel president Moshe Lichtman is pumping up its work in cloud computing. The story said:

“The Microsoft Israel R&D center has 600 R&D employees. “Cloud computing is at the center of our vision. About 70% of the center’s development activity is focused on cloud computing,” Lichtman said. “This year, we will complete development of the first versions of 11 products, which will be launched on the global market.”

The Israeli branch also created a free security product that has seen millions of downloads and dominates a portion of the global free products market. The company has also developed technologies for Bing Mobile. Another star product is a feature that enables check-in via Facebook, Foursquare, and Messenger. Users can also receive messages when they’re nearing specific location, similar to a GPS. Like Google, Microsoft is expanding its footprint in Israel.

Whitney Grace, February 14, 2011



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  1. Tweets that mention Microsoft Israel and the Cloud : Beyond Search -- on February 11th, 2011 9:13 am

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