Not Search, But Mighty Useful

February 12, 2011

The article “50 Free iPad Apps for Business Users” at Datamation provides a helpful service. The authors have combed through the apps at the iTunes Store and compiled a list of free apps they feel are worthy of your attention:

Whoever claimed that business software costs a bundle never heard of the free iPad app.

Indeed, the iPad is showing that you don’t need a speedy notebook full of programs to run your company on the go; all you need is a tablet with free iPad apps.”

The offerings are organized by category: productivity, utilities, remote access, and knowledge.

It does look like there are some decent entries here- do check it out. Unfortunately, though, there is not a robust search app in the lot. (Job-hunting tools don’t count.) Search just doesn’t command respect in the free iPad app world. Sigh.

Cynthia Murrell February 12, 2011



One Response to “Not Search, But Mighty Useful”

  1. Tweets that mention Not Search, But Mighty Useful : Beyond Search -- on February 13th, 2011 11:42 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Karl P. Askim, Karl P. Askim. Karl P. Askim said: RT @BeyondSearch: New blog post: Not Search, But Mighty Useful […]

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