For You Watson Fans: Better than SkyNet

February 14, 2011

Short honk: Want to read the upside of IBM’s most recent push into information processing. Navigate to “Why IBM’s Watson Is NOT Skynet (It’s Better).” Best quote for the true blue believers:

But it is impressive. From Watson’s Jeopardy play so far, it’s apparent that Watson does two things extremely well: 1) looking at data from a host of sources, finding the answers it wants extremely fast, and 2) understanding the nuances of natural human speech and writing. The other things it does—learning as it goes along and pressing a buzzer quickly—are nice, too, but aren’t really that novel.

Accuracy? About 85 percent. That’s an A in today’s world of fluid standards. Tattoo Charley in Louisville can slap an IBM logo on your guns while you wait.

I hear, “I’ll be back” now.

Stephen E Arnold, February 14, 2011



One Response to “For You Watson Fans: Better than SkyNet”

  1. James MacAonghus on February 15th, 2011 2:35 pm

    Do you think, say a few years down the line, this might make IBM a dark horse in mainstream consumer search? Search companies like Google keep saying that search will be about asking questions and understanding intention/context, more than just a few keywords – and why could Watson not apply its understandingess to search?

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