Bing Trumps the GOOG in Travel Search

March 2, 2011

We just posted a short item to a BusinessWeek story that suggested Google has lost some of its sheen. The write up “Bing’s Travel Search, So Much Better Than Google, Gets Even Better” is worth reading. The point in the write up that caught our attention was:

Google does almost nothing interesting in travel search.

Our take on this is that after the miraculous year of 2006, Google has been like a soap box derby racer. The velocity increases as the car moves down the course.

What’s happened in the span of 48 months? Obviously BusinessWeek and now ReadWriteWeb are pointing out deficiencies.

We think these observations are warranted, but the question remains, “What will Google do to address what happens when gravity and friction take over?” We will have to wait until one of the majors in American 19th century fiction, a former Web master, or an unemployed journalist tackles the question and illuminates the underlying issues at the GOOG.

Too bad about travel. I used to show the in situ display of air fares, a function I you can see by running the query “lga sfo”.


Stephen E Arnold, March 2, 2011

Freebie unlike air travel


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