Consultant Identifies Employment Opportunity

March 12, 2011

Read Write Web has the article, “Forrester: Business Intelligence Careers Offer Hope for IT Workers.” It reiterates what we already know: tough job market for information technology workers. Forrester, a consulting firm that often links sweeping generalizations with for-fee reports, recommends that IT specialists should focus their energies on business intelligence.

We learn from this assertion that Developers, integrations professionals, and database administrators are well prepared for BI careers. But—and it is an important caveat—the hopefuls will need to bolster their skills by actively working in business intelligence. Is this somewhat circular?

The article pointed to these consultant observations about business intelligence:

Organizations are increasing investment in this area.

  1. BI is not easily outsourced and requires quite a bit of face-to-face collaboration with management
  2. BI projects need to be iterated on a frequent and ongoing basis
  3. BI hiring is already up dramatically

My colleagues and I at are not sure what business intelligence means. The more we talked about this employment assertion, we concluded that there is a Catch 22 operating: one needs to be working on an active BI project to become familiar with these technologies otherwise one cannot learn the skills. We do agree that information professionals should continue to improve analytical and technical skills.

After reading this article the only thought that came to me was, “really?” Autonomy does not use the phrase “business intelligence”. What’s that tell us? Well, $800 million in revenue suggests that the phrase is probably not necessary to enjoy financial success.

Whitney Grace, March 12, 2011



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