Access Innovations and IEEE Team Up

March 20, 2011

Access Innovations has cultivated a solid relationship with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the foundation of which seems to be their Data Harmony software series.

Access Innovations is one of the leaders in indexing, controlled vocabulary development, and taxonomies. For IEEE Access Innovations has a long, successful track record in helping organizations develop thesauri and controlled vocabularies. The company also has proprietary software which can perform automatic content tagging.

IEEE is responsible for close to a third of the technical publications circulated around the globe, has now sought the firm’s help in revamping how their Xplore library catalogues the massive amounts of data stored within.

Access Innovations said:

To complete the latest project, Access Innovations used an implementation of Data Harmony Metadata Extractor to determine the article’s content type and then built an improved rules base to identify content types in order for each type to be indexed in a specific way using the IEEE Thesaurus.”

Access Innovation’s system provides users the ability to outline and remove information from the source, compiling a fresh record in the process. This marks yet another lucrative venture for the 33 year old company, which services a variety of academic institutions and government agencies.

Micheal Cory, March 20, 2011



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