Gartner Breaks New Marketing Turf

April 11, 2011

Gartner has a thriving practice in everything to do with digital information. The publicly traded company seems to be sending a message that I hear as “we’re desperate”. Maybe I am wrong but spam from IDG (another researchy-type outfit) that has the subject “Gartner Insight, 3 Top Papers + Win an iPad 2” does not evoke the wood paneled methods of McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, or Bain (yep, the Bain with the now apocryphal kumbaya sessions at a Holiday Inn on Route 128). As wacky as the blue chip consulting firms are, I find email with the words “insight,” “top papers”, and “win and iPad” quite piercing cries for attention.

First, there are not “3 top papers” on offer. The count seems closer to four, but at my age my eyesight is failing. See for yourself whether I got the number four correct:

gartner four papers

The other signals that reached me via spam email was the big button that said “Register Now.”

gartner register now

The angle, of course, is leads and input into how Gartner can improve. I also found this enjoinder fascinating:

gartner enjoinder

I will definitely forward the spam message to my one friend, a 70 year old with a beat up truck and a limp.

One positive note: Gartner and IDG got a free mention in a free blog which contains information for which one does not have to register, enjoin a friend, or miscount to access. Of course, the quality of information in Beyond Search is miserable, but we don’t even spam. Heck, we don’t follow up on proposals, return phone calls, or attend conferences where “pay to play” is the new business model.

Objectivity is what one thinks it is, right? And what about search? No white papers about enterprise search? No quadrant? Sigh.

Stephen E Arnold, April 11, 2011

Freebie but no drawing to win an iPad. How is that drawing conducted by the way?


One Response to “Gartner Breaks New Marketing Turf”

  1. money from internet » Gartner Breaks New Marketing Turf : Beyond Search on April 11th, 2011 5:23 am

    […] the original here: Gartner Breaks New Marketing Turf : Beyond Search social: Monday, April 11th, 2011 at 10:23 Tags: Breaks, Digital, gartner, gartner-breaks, […]

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