Thought Equity and Sony Metadata

April 21, 2011

The Yahoo Finance article “Thought Equity Motion Powers Enterprise-Wide Metadata Management for Sony Pictures Entertainment” brings to light the collaboration between Sony Pictures Entertainment and Thought Equity Motion. According to the article”

The video platform and footage licensing company will help Sony Pictures get more out of their large entertainment library by utilizing the T3 Metadata Editor to help them better manage content and more importantly offer consumers better and more powerful options. Sony Pictures Entertainment states “The massive amount of visual data we work with in movies and TV shows must be textually searchable and mapped to a huge amount of other information — such as clearances, rights and restrictions, and music cue sheets. The more easily we can store and access that information, the smarter we can be in using it.”

By using the T3 Metadata tool Sony can do more localized searches such as by actor, dialogue and even location allowing them to do so much more with the information they have available. Yet another company has discovered the power of information.

We find it interesting that metadata is suddenly the “new kid on the block” for Sony. We have found real findability challenges on its Web site. The Sony eBook reader is also equipped with a search system that gave us a headache. We hope Sony does metadata thoroughly. Forget the new products Sony can produce, think of the hapless user trying to locate an item.

April Holmes, April 21, 2011



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