Longtop Pumps Up Metadata

April 26, 2011

Longtop Announces Launch of Upgraded Metadata Management Platform,” reports CNBC. China’s highly successful financial services developer/ solutions provider Longtop Financial Technologies Limited is jumping on the metadata bandwagon with its BI.MetaManager V2.0.

Actually, this is an upgrade and expansion, not a brand new product. The company did some custom work in this realm in ’07 and ’08, and deployed version one of BI.MetaManager in 2009 to many of its customers. The article describes the new version:

BI.MetaManager V2.0 offers extended scalability and flexibility for development, improved reliability and user interface, as well as new features such as visualized enterprise data map and cross-platform support of Structured Query Language (SQL) script parsing.

Sounds good. The use of metadata, information about data that is embedded in said data, can be extremely useful when properly managed. Lately, though, many players have been working to capitalize on it; suddenly metadata indexing is the new black. And metadata continues to roil the legal eagles. Is indexing discoverable? Is indexing not discoverable? Who owns metadata? Lawyers will figure this out. In the meantime, indexing helps users, not sure about attorneys.

Cynthia Murrell April 26, 2011



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