Quote to Note: Google and Customer Support

May 14, 2011

The story “Google AdSense Alternative? Lijit Thinks So” contained a passage that struck me as a quote to note. The write up talks about an alternative to Google’s AdSense called Lijit. AdSense, we learned, is aimed at large publishers. Lijit (a phonetization of “legitimate” colloquialized) offers a monetization. Lijit’s transaction volume is growing apace, up 74 percent since the fourth quarter of 2010. Now here’s the quote to note:

[Todd Vernon, the CEO and founder of Lijit] is quoted as saying:

“What we hear, time and time again, is, ‘when there’s something wrong, I can’t get a hold of Google… they only provide me error messages… I can’t actually talk to a human,’” he said.

Oh, oh. This type of comment comes at a time when Google is pushing into the enterprise with a low cost, Windows-killer Chromebook. What happens when a user or an information technology professional has a question? Is a new service business about the blossom?

Stephen E Arnold, May 14, 2011



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