More from IBM Watson: More PR That Is

May 19, 2011

IBM keeps flogging Watson, which seems to be Lucene wrapped with IBM goodness. We have reported on the apparent shift in search strategy at IBM; to wit, search now embraces content analytics. Many vendors are trying to spit shine worn toe cap oxfords in an effort to make search into a money machine. Good luck with that.

Network World tells us that “Watson Teaches ‘Big Analytics.’” Ah, more Watson hyperbole.

Skillful big analytics is necessary to make use of big data, of course, and in most cases speed is also a factor. Watson demonstrated proficiency at both with its Jeopardy win. Now, IBM hopes to use those abilities in enterprise products. As well they should; the need for such tools is expanding rapidly.

“Businesses successfully utilizing big analytics can take this process of knowledge discovery even further, identifying questions, exploring the answers and asking new questions based on those answers. This iterative quality of data analysis, rather than incremental exploration, can lead to a deeper understanding of business and markets, and begin to answer questions never before considered.”

Yep, we think we get it: Big data and a robust big analytic product are increasingly necessary to stay competitive. What we want to know, though, is this: when is all this going to change Web or Internet search? When will the Watson product be “a product”? Enough PR. That’s easy. How about a useful service we can test and compare to other systems?

Cynthia Murrell May 19, 2011



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