Exalead Makes a Sage Move

June 1, 2011

We have no qualms over recurrent expressions of our appreciation and enthusiasm for the Exalead brand.

A long time leader in the field of search enabled applications and data management software, the company continues to prove itself relevant in a landscape that shifts more frequently than the iTunes’ Recent Hits page.

The most recent news we saw about Exalead, a unit of Dassault Systèmes, comes in the form of a deal with the Sage Group. Sage is one of the leaders in enterprise resource planning (ERP). Sage will use Exalead’s technology in the Sage ERP X3 system.

The write up “Sage Innovates with Exalead CloudView to Enhance Its ERP User Experience” said:

CloudView brings the speed and simplicity of consumer Web search to the Sage ERP X3 user experience, offering flexible natural language search across all Sage database content, including both data and metadata. Offered as a simple drag-and-drop Gadget in the Sage portal, CloudView-powered Sage Search enables users to locate information anywhere in the system using a single text box: no training, complex forms or SQL queries required. Moreover, fuzzy matching and flexible search refinement by dynamic results categories help ensure search success even when a user’s query is incomplete, misspelled or imprecise.

CloudView may give Sage a turbo boost. With this deal, Sage and Exalead jump up the enterprise charts to super group status.

Micheal Cory, June 1, 2011

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