Microsoft Search Blog Not Updated in Months

June 2, 2011

If you have not visited the Microsoft Search Blog, you may want to check it out. We think it is a good example of the commitment Microsoft has to enterprise search. Oh, Microsoft still sells Fast Search, consulting, certifications, and add ons. However, the blog is not exactly a pivot point.

It’s about relevance, it’s about speed and it’s all about competition…ya snooze, ya lose, right?

We’re a little confused then, by the search results we got from Google recently when queried “enterprise search.”

Our queries for content and visits to the site over a week or so revealed that the last update seems to have been about ten months ago.

My hunch is that somewhere, in some small, cubby in Redmond, there’s a person who’s supposed to be searching and updating the enterprise blog.

We try to monitor the SharePoint search world, and we are finding that the information about SharePoint search is mostly about getting a SharePoint system under control, back on track, and delivering specific functionality. You can track our SharePoint coverage at We also cover SharePoint in Beyond Search. Just search for the category SharePoint in the search box on the blog’s splash page.

The goslings and I will try to “mind the gap”.

Stephen E Arnold, June 2, 2011

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One Response to “Microsoft Search Blog Not Updated in Months”

  1. » Pandia Search Engine News Wrap-up June 5 on June 5th, 2011 11:37 am

    […] Microsoft Enterprise Search Blog Not Updated in Months Arnold: If you have not visited the Microsoft Search Blog, you may want to check it out. We think it is a good example of the commitment Microsoft has to enterprise search. Oh, Microsoft still sells Fast Search, consulting, certifications, and add ons. However, the blog is not exactly a pivot point. […]

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