A Sherpa Suffers Oxygen Starvation

June 11, 2011

“Is Social Media Giving You a 95 Percent ROI?” We think not but a marketing sherpa, who may be suffering from oxygen starvation, believes that this astounding ROI is on the money.

These are pretty impressive and almost unbelievable numbers.  But according to a survey conducted by MarketingSherpa 2011, the average ROI number was reported at the rarified height of 95 percent.

Although the way ROI is measured can be achieved in a variety of ways, “Need to Sell Your Boss on Social Media Investment? Use This Graphic“ “caution is advised,” says Mike Ohghai, a financial advisor. He suggests using an impartial source for such important profit measuring information – not clip art graphics that can be confusing.

Our view is that crazy numbers generate some excitement among the fact starved and validation indifferent marketers. For the Beyond Search team, we think verification and common sense are necessary.

Social media is useful, but it is easy to inject noise into the system. Those who confuse noise with facts are likely to find themselves trying to explain to a CFO hired by the investors to determine whom to keep and whom to fire.

Well, there’s a need for mountain guides in Utah I have heard.

Stephen E Arnold, June 11, 2011

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