More Than File-Sharing Needed in SharePoint 2010

July 2, 2011

The article “Is SharePoint 2010 Ready For Social Business? Nope” chomps on the meat and potatoes of the competition between leading file-sharing programs. The loser? SharePoint 2010, and it is no big surprise.

A run down of SharePoint 2010s inadequacies seen from  a rather narrow angle is the focus of a This Week in Lotus podcast. Expert Luiz Benitez examines the overwhelming challenges Microsoft faces with its SharePoint 2010, focusing on file-sharing as a jumping off point. Mr. Benitez asserts that the much more progressive IBM Connections offers tools that meet the needs of organizations jumping into social computing.

Briefly moving past file-sharing into the other essential components of a successful social business platform Benitez states,

…this is just comparing file sharing. It doesn’t even get to compare head-to-head Wikis, Blogs, Forums, Team places, Profiles/My Sites, Ideation (which SharePoint doesn’t have), and other capabilities that are in Connections but not in SharePoint (microblogging!)

The final nail on SharePoint 2010s “sharing” coffin is that a major consulting company, IDC, ignored this weakness not once, but twice. We must admit we did not know about this alleged IDC shortcoming, but Mr. Benetiz has been more attentive.

Despite SharePoint 2010s popularity as a file-sharing entity, it clearly faces hurdles unlikely to be overcome with the fast-changing pace of social business initiatives demanded in the world marketplace. Microsoft may be able to redeem itself and its insufficient SharePoint with its next release. We think that SharePoint might be late to the sharing snack table.

Catherine Bize, July 2, 2011

From the leader in next-generation analysis of search and content processing, Beyond Search.


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