Google Lobbyist Factoid

July 6, 2011

Short honk: Not sure if this factoid is on the money, but I found it interesting. Navigate to “Google Trebles Its Force of Lobbyists Ahead of FTC Probe.” According to the write up, Google now has 18 lobbying firms assisting the world’s biggest brute force indexing system to avoid hassles with the US Federal  Trade Commission. I think that 18 is an interesting number. It is the average age of Match Club members who engage in arguments about the best way to perform mental arithmetic. Also, 18 is the number of lobbyists required to explain that Google’s “life” is “one click away” threat from extinction by such outfits as,,, and, of course, Most companies need 18 lobbying firms. Modest investment.

Stephen E Arnold, July 6, 2011

The addled goose is the author of The New Landscape of Enterprise Search, and it is only $20. Such a deal.


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