DtSearch Marketing Tweak

July 21, 2011

Blogger Greg Duncan focuses on enterprise search provider dtSearch in his July 6, 2011, iteration of “Greg’s Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day.” Here he cites I Programmer’s article, “Getting started with dtSearch” as the only recent piece he’s seen that instructs on how to begin using dtSearch. The original is indeed a thorough resource.

The piece is interesting to us, though, because it shows that dtSearch is trying a different marketing angle to developers. I Programmer’s Ian Elliot wrote:

“I also have a great interest in desktop search – or rather how it generally doesn’t work under Windows. Since Vista, Window’s desktop search has been difficult to use, difficult to configure and difficult to manage. I’ve tried alternatives such as Windows Search 4.0 and Solr but there are problems with both. They tend to over complex and simply not worth the effort. Now I’m investigating dtSearch and I can tell you now, it’s a refreshing return to simplicity.”

dtSearch has also added to its proprietary file parsers. Let’s see whether these efforts keep the firm as the darling of the Microsoft developers’ search and retrieval eye. Founded in 1991, dtSearch is a stalwart in Microsoft-centric search.

Cynthia Murrell July 21, 2011

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One Response to “DtSearch Marketing Tweak”

  1. Okozo Desktop, fondos animados interactivos para Windows Vista y Windows 7 - Siskatec on July 23rd, 2011 3:41 pm

    […] DtSearch Marketing Tweak (arnoldit.com) […]

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