Google Alerts

July 21, 2011

In the dust and haze of Google+, we wanted to make sure we captured this source of Google information. The  service is called Code Google, and you can locate it at


The idea is that a Google hungry person can navigate to the site and see pointers to Google-related information.

A bit of clicking around revealed an unusual mix of information. When we looked at the site on July 20, 2011 at 9 pm Eastern, the most recent update was earlier in the afternoon. We were able to locate the service in the Google index, which struck us as interesting. The site popped up when we used the site operator.

We tucked this into our folder marked “Possible spider bait.” We like more focused information services or what we call “sites with a tight semantic vector.” Take a look. Make your own decision.

Cynthia Murrell July 21, 2011

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