The Mongo Mambo: NoSQL Is Tireless

July 26, 2011

Okay, so this isn’t exactly search-related, but we think it’s worth a mention. The blurring of search and data management is starting to become a more common symptom of the big data world. provides helpful information with “Practical NoSQL—Solving a Real Problem with MongoDB and Redis.

Blogger (and software developer) Karl Seguin details his process of making an improvement to the Mogade game developer site. He is eager to share his use of a new tool coupled with a new modeling approach. In his conclusion, Seguin states,

“This reinforces my opinion about NoSQL in general. MongoDB has a couple specializations that are truly awesome (geospatial, logging), but it’s largely a general purpose data store with a number of advantages over RDBMS’. Many other NoSQL solutions are more specialized. Redis, while capable of more than what I’m using it for, is more specialized, and handles/looks at/views data differently. These solutions work well together and not only make it fun to work with data again, they make it easy and efficient.”

We appreciate the effort that Mr. Seguin put into his write up. We think that the blend of technologies is one of the harbingers of a significant shift in the data management world. One can only go so far with the traditional RDBMS before money crushes one’s big data aspirations. XML has been made to perform some interesting tricks, but under the demands of price sensitive information technology shops, there is some push back for this former prom queen. And the basic NoSQL world is being asked to deliver functions and services that extend well beyond the basics of fetching a result set.

Change is upon us and it may have a significant impact on vendors who are well positioned in the big data, search based application space. We like the moves of the Mongo Mambo but we love the music of Exalead’s CloudView approach.

Cynthia Murrell July 19, 2011

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