Symantec and Clearwell Technology Push Forward
September 6, 2011
Social media participation is an increasingly valuable, and inescapable, tool. With social media widgets permeating the Internet, companies can only avoid participation by eschewing the Web altogether. That’s not an option for most.
However, tapping social media comes with a price, as the Brainyard reports in “Could Social Media Flub Cost You $4.3 Million?” That article examines a survey sponsored by Symantec which details the losses most companies experience using this medium.
A key component in these losses involves government regulations on business communications. Companies must retain such exchanges to comply with open records requests, industry regulations, and eDiscovery requests, explains The Var Guy in “Symantec Enterprise Vault 10 Handles Social Media Compliance.”
As the title suggests, writer Charlene O’Hanlon points to the latest edition of Symantec’s Enterprise Vault as a solution to the compliance problem:
Helping expand Enterprise Vault beyond its former boundaries is technology Symantec gained through its recent acquisition of legal discovery solutions provider Clearwell Systems. Clearwell’s eDiscovery Platform complements Enterprise Vault’s ability to capture information, tag specific records for future litigation and quickly search those records for relevant records by enabling customers to process, analyze and review those records for internal audits, legal eDiscovery and corporate governance.
We know that Clearwell’s technology is quite good, and can recommend it. The other technology we’re not so sure about, though. Shop around, but this may be your best bet to reduce compliance costs associated with social media.
Cynthia Murrell,, September 6, 2011
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