The Google Does the Tablet Me Too Dance

September 7, 2011

Google’s blog announces a “New Google Search Experience for Tablets.” The search giant is accommodating the increasingly popular hardware with a specialized design. The write up specifies:

We’ve simplified the layout of search results pages and increased the size of page contents like text, buttons and other touch targets to make it faster and easier to browse and interact with search results in portrait or landscape view. The search button located below the search box provides quick access to specific types of results like Images, Videos, Places, Shopping and more. Just tap to open the search menu and select an option to see results in one category.

The redesign also focuses on making the most of image results. They have enlarged image previews and sped up the loading of thumbnails. The also put previews on a continuous scroll, but I think whether that is an improvement is a matter of personal preference.

If you have an iPad or Android 3.1+ tablet, give it a try. Do the changes significantly improve the experience? Is this recognition of Apple’s dominance in this market or just a me too play? You decide.

Cynthia Murrell September 7, 2011

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One Response to “The Google Does the Tablet Me Too Dance”

  1. Ping from a printer ink cartridges web site on September 15th, 2011 11:23 pm

    Any evidence to show that Google won’t stay behind easily.

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