Google Two-Step Authentication Spreads Across the Globe

September 16, 2011

At last, “Google Rolls Out Safer Two-Step Authentication in 150 Countries,” reports Softpedia. Google debuted the more rigorous verification earlier this year, but only in its English language incarnation. Now, another 40 languages and 150 localized Web sites are on board.

Writer Lucian Parfeni explains the revised method:

With two-step verification, or authentication, users have to provide a unique code along with their account credentials. This code is only available via their phones, ensuring that unauthorized persons, with no access to the phone, can’t get in even if their credentials have been compromised, or at least making it significantly harder.

This is good news. The new process is slightly more annoying, but the increased security is worth the small hassle. Well, to me, anyway. Then again, I’m not one to use “password” as my password, either.

Some might say, “Good move, Google.”

Cynthia Murrell, September 16, 2011

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