Panda Strikes Again
October 7, 2011
What a surprise! Panda, the Google algorithm that punishes the unworthy and elevates the noble among Websites, rewards its own services. These Google-owned beneficiaries include YouTube and, both of which gained a 10% increase with the latest Panda release, according to “Google Panda Punishes Some, Boosts YouTube.” The ReadWriteWeb article, penned by Jon Mitchell, notes:
Google maintains that the Panda updates are conducted meticulously with solely the users’ interests at heart, and it backs that up with an extensive list of criteria. But eyebrows always raise when Google makes an adjustment to search that benefits its own sites.
Raised eyebrows? But surely, this must be a coincidence. No “cooking” of search results here, right?
Other results of the recently implemented Panda 2.5 update include bad news for such sites as, and, interestingly, Some consumer sites and tech blogs are also at a new disadvantage. (Uh-oh.) Also, some big names like Myspace, the Huffington Post, and even Amazon have fallen behind.
Some non-Google affiliated winners are, Zappos, and the Washington Post. Interesting.
No need to fear, fellow searchers, the Panda has everything under control.
Cynthia Murrell October 7, 2011