Google Opens Cloud SQL Database for App Engine Developers

October 18, 2011

Due to popular demand by App Engine developers, Google has come out with a relational database called Google Cloud SQLfor its cloud-hosted App Engine application development and hosting platform.According to the ComputerWorld article, Google Ads Cloud-based SQL Database to App Engine, Navneet Joneja, product manager for Google Cloud SQL, said in a recent blog post:

You can now choose to power your App Engine applications with a familiar relational database in a fully-managed cloud environment. This allows you to focus on developing your applications and services, free from the chores of managing, maintaining and administering relational databases.

For now the database is available on limited preview mode and is free of charge for the select developers who have access to it. However, once the service leaves the preview stage, Google will charge developers for the management of their databases. The search giant said it will announce pricing 30 days before they begin charging, so developers shouldn’t to get too comfortable. With Microsoft getting the warm fuzzies over Hadoop, we think there will be some interesting pushing and shoving going on. If pro football coaches can do, so can Google and Microsoft.

Jasmine Ashton, October 18, 2011

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