Oracle Settles the DOJ False Claims Suit

October 18, 2011

Forbes reported on some heft news with their article, Oracle To Pay $199.5M To Settle Charge It Ripped Off Uncle Sam (Updated).”

The Federal Department of Justice won a lawsuit against Oracle, who allegedly overcharged the government’s General Services Administration for software and services. Oracle has agreed to pay 199.5 million in this settlement brought under the false claims act.

According to the article, the DOJ said the following:

[T]he settlement involved allegation that “Oracle knowingly failed to meet its contractual obligations to provide GSA with current, accurate and complete information about its commercial sales practices, including discounts offered to other customers, and that Oracle knowingly made false statements to GSA about its sales practices and discounts.

Additionally, Oracle did not comply with their GSA contract by not disclosing discounts they gave to commercial customers and failing to pass on those higher discounts to the government.

The DOJ’s settlement is now added into the over $7.8 billion recovered under the false claims act.

Megan Feil, October 18, 2011


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