Access Innovations Awarded Patent for MAIChem

October 28, 2011

Bravo to our friends at Access Innovations for receiving a U.S. patent (the company’s 19th technology patent) for MAIChem, a software-based method for searching chemical names in documents.

The company, founded in 1978, focuses on Internet technology applications and content management and enhancement. MAIChem is a tool that will be highly useful for researchers and information managers in the chemical and pharmacy data industries. A press release, “Access Innovations Receives U.S. Patent for Unique MAIChem™ Software Search Method: Software Provides Fast, In-Depth, Broad and Consistently Accurate Searches of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry Data,” shares details about the tool:

Finding these names in documents is challenging due to the unlimited number of potential compounds and the variety of ways a compound can be named. MAIChem solves the problem by comparing the text to regular expressions that match typical chemical morphemes, such as “hydro” or “amine,” to see if they occur in words.”’explained Marjorie M.K. Hlava, president of Access Innovations. After its initial analysis, MAIChem’s software differentiates between nonchemical words that use the morphemes and actual chemical names.

MAIChem could potentially help in numerous fields and tasks: content discovery, analysis, machine-aided indexing, and faster information retrieval. The award of this patent shows Access Innovations is bringing something unique to the board in content management. Chemistry professionals should be swooning; Access Innovations is taking it to the next level. Congratulations from the team at Beyond Search.

For more information about Access Innovations’ MAIChem, visit Now maybe the faux taxonomy experts will realize there is more to ANSI standard vocabularies than a slick marketing program and a reference to military training. We can only hope.

Andrea Hayden, October 28, 2011


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