Sentiment Analysis Explained
December 1, 2011
Sentiment and text mining analytics company Lexalytics has created the first easy to use semantic classifier by compiling over 1.1 million words and phrases from Wikipedia. Sentiment analysis, or opinion mining, refers to the application of natural language processing, computational linguistics, and text analytics to identify and extract subjective information in source materials.
I read a recent Click Centive post called “OEM Text Analytics from Lexalytics” that breaks down the concept of sentiment analysis and scoring and provides a series of posts related to Lexalytics software.
The post states:
Sentiment scoring allows a computer to consistently rate the positive or negative assertions that are associated with a document or entity. The scoring of sentiment (sometimes referred to as tone) from a document is a problem that was originally raised in the context of marketing and business intelligence, where being able to measure the public’s reaction to a new marketing campaign (or a corporate scandal) can have a measurable financial impact on your business.
This is an informative post, but I’m more interested to see specific information regarding the “easy to user semantic classifier” that Lexalytics has created, rather than generalities on sentiment scoring.
Jasmine Ashton, December 1, 2011
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