Attensity: Friday Night Spam Fest

December 10, 2011

Short honk: Here’s an opinion for my one or two readers. I am confused about email marketing from search and content processing companies. Is spam a best practice? Is spam a signal of marketing need or sales desperation? Is spam better than relying on satisfied customers to generate referrals?

ArnoldIT does not do “spam” via email. Whenever I give a talk, I am a veritable Iowa-inspired food production factory of low grade calories. But at age 67, what do you want from a semi retired goose in rural Kentucky?

Here’s the story:

I was at dinner on December 9, 2011, and my wretched mobile device buzzed. I thought I had the gizmo on silent.


A quick look and what do I see, fork paused with a chunk of fried spam half way to my goosely bill. In my opinion, spamming me in Harrod’s Creek during dinner time is the email equivalent of an 800 call from a telemarketer pitching a roof repair deal.

Digital spam. Friday night. Dinner time. Brilliant I suppose.

Here what I received, ruining my appetite for the “real” stuff I was nibbling at the time: “Attensity to Deliver Real Time Audience Analytics on Republican Debate.” Who mailed this missive? Okay, spam mavens, get that email address:


What does Attensity promise me as my real spam cools?

Well, the goose is energized. Here’s the low calorie pitch:

The reports will be driven by Attensity’s real-time social analytics solution, which gives organizations the ability to monitor and analyze over 75 million online and social media sources, as well as internal sources such as emails, surveys and communities, and extract business insights from those conversations. The solution is part of Attensity’s award-winning suite of multi-channel customer analytics and response applications.

Believe it or not, Attensity, one of the “leaders” in understanding the “voice of the customer” or sentiment analysis found to evoke sentiment from me. I don’t think about Attensity as a customer support outfit. Nope. Nope. Nope. I think about Attensity’s roots and its more fascinating line of business. Navigate to LinkedIn and learn this:

Welcome to Attensity Government Systems — the broadest suite of semantic applications and engines to help you realize your agency objectives through the power of text. Attensity’s products and solutions, our dedicated government field engineering team, along with our network of defense, consulting, and solutions integrators are delivering results every day to key government agencies in intelligence, law enforcement, civilian service, and defense. By selecting and implementing Attensity’s solutions, these organizations are better understanding and responding to citizen needs, and connecting the dots to prevent terror and crime. Source:

To put this snippet in context, you may find these links helpful.

Who funded Attensity? Lots of folks, including an important government agency? Here’s a link which may be of interest.

Now what’s fascinating is that Attensity is into the voice of the customer thing.

In my own algorithmic method, the Attensity marketing effort gets an “unsatisfactory” for email marketing effectiveness. I assume an azure chip consultant, a former middle school teacher, or a failed search engine optimization expert cooked up this campaign.

Here’s a thought.

Check out the non spamming alternatives to Attensity. You can get sentiment methods from folkslike ExpertSystem,, the French outfit PolySpot, and Infonic Lexalytics operation, among others.

One nagging question for me: Why is Attensity spamming me on Friday night. 8:33 pm?

Brilliance, desperation, a Hail Mary from a football university in Utah?

Stephen E Arnold, December 10, 2011

Freebie, gentle reader, freebie. The goose’s feathers are ruffled.


One Response to “Attensity: Friday Night Spam Fest”

  1. Attensity Inttensity Pricing and More Spark Interest : Beyond Search on December 12th, 2011 12:03 am

    […] because I am reacting to Attensity’s sending me email about its free analysis of a political event. Okay. I am now aware and tracking Attensity. Great job, Attensity […]

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