Google and Customer Service

December 13, 2011

Now here’s an interesting view of Google. Ars Technica reports, “How effective is the Google Apps support ecosystem? The customers speak.” The article was prompted by the implementation of a new phone support system aimed at business and education users. The feature is to provide support for issues with its core services like Gmail, Google Docs and Google Calendar.

Writer Jon Brodkin notes that a dedicated phone line could be a great leap forward from the haphazard mix of support options Google has offered in the past. The article asserts:

Google’s reputation on customer support has never been stellar, so we decided to talk to a few Google Apps business and education customers to find out how good or bad it is in real life. The answers ranged from ‘We’ve never had to call support’ to ‘their tech support sucks.’ In the middle ground, several customers told us Google support is usually good enough for break/fix issues but falls short when it comes to requesting functionality customers believe is missing.

Keep in mind that these people are speaking pre-help line. We don’t yet know how well that will work out. However, Brodkin’s write up is full of examples of frustrated Google users trying to get the help they needed when they needed it. The stories suggest that implementing a round-the-clock phone line is just the beginning of what Google needs to do to truly support its users.

Our view is that Google should provide the type of customer support available to Adwords’ customers to users of other Google services.

Cynthia Murrell, December 13, 2011

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