Google Intern Explains Android Lag

December 16, 2011

Leave it to a student intern. Not even the X Factor interns reveal the inside scoop about technology.

Here’s a useful insight into the Google method of “good enough.” Apple Insider reports that a “Former Google Intern Explains Why UI Lag Occurs More Often in Android than iOS.” The intern in question is one Andrew Munn, who ironically took to Google+ with his explanation.

Munn, who interned on the Android team, listed several reasons for the slowness of Android as compared to Apple’s iOS. See the write up for specifics, but it all boils down to one thing. The article asserts:

The original Android prototype didn’t have a touchscreen, as it was meant to be a BlackBerry competitor. As such, Android’s architecture is meant to support a keyboard and trackball. Munn further claimed that after the original iPhone arrived in 2007, Google rushed to complete Android, but ‘it was too late to rewrite the UI framework.’. . . ‘Android is the only mobile OS left that existed pre-iPhone,’ the report noted.

The current state of affairs may be acceptable to Google now, but more may be needed to capture half the market for smart TV sometime in 2013. Munn, for one, is confident that his former team will make the rewrite. “Eventually,” he said.

We’re waiting for an intern to explain open that is closed and fragmentation that is not fragmented. Is UX pronounced “Yuk”?

Cynthia Murrell, December 16, 2011

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One Response to “Google Intern Explains Android Lag”

  1. Google Intern Explains Android Lag : Beyond Search | on December 16th, 2011 4:12 am

    […] the rest here: Google Intern Explains Android Lag : Beyond Search This entry was posted in News and tagged apple, apple-insider, intern, intern-explains, occurs, […]

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