Google Comes with an Olive Branch Because It Is Happy with What It Has and Publishers Should Be Happy Too

November 13, 2017

I read two Google items this morning (November 13, 2017). I found each interesting and useful in plotting Google’s evolution from Backrub to the behemoth it has become by selling ads.

The first item is “Google X’s Chief Business Officer Says You Can Achieve Happiness by Following One Simple Rule.” No, the rule does not mean that one does not reveal whether Google’s super secret Deep Mind is working with the GOOG’s own skunk works. The rule is, if the write up is accurate, “If you really start to appreciate what you have in your life, happiness becomes a much easier task to achieve.”

That’s good to know. I am confident that the people living in vans in Palo Alto are going to enjoy getting cleaned up at the McDonald’s much more. Hey, you can also have an Egg McMuffin after one’s morning ablutions.

The other article is “Google UK Chief Ronan Harris Says Digital Giant Is Not Stealing Advertising from Publishers Telling Editors: We Come in Peace.” I highlighted this passage from the story. The Googler is one Ronan Harris, who is in charge of Google in the UK:

“Every year we share billions of pounds in revenue with publishers globally. We also drove more than 10 billion clicks a month to publisher websites — for free — from Google Search and Google News.

He allegedly added:

And as more and more people interact with news in different ways, we need to take advantage of new digital tools and capabilities to develop new experiences and sustainable business models. “We’re eager to partner with you to create them.  To work with you to tackle the challenges head on, because having a healthy media ecosystem is crucial to your business, to ours and to society.

Yep, Google comes in peace to those who have spent 40 days and nights wandering in the wilderness. Let’s party, friends!

Stephen E Arnold, November 13, 2017


One Response to “Google Comes with an Olive Branch Because It Is Happy with What It Has and Publishers Should Be Happy Too”

  1. Liteblue on November 17th, 2017 2:26 am

    Liteblue helping a lot to USPS employees.

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