Herding Cats or Losing Them: Google and the Android Crowd

December 30, 2011

Forget Google’s Android patent problems. How about this alleged issue? Business Insider reported on new Droid dilemmas in the article “For Google, Fixing Android is Like Herding Cats.”

Apparently, a deal that was made between Google and seven cell phone companies last May, to release new versions of Android to all phones that are less than 18 months old, has turned sour. Sony Ericsson is the only company that has said it will live up to the agreement.

The article states:

This is a problem for users — they’re not always getting the latest experience that Google has created, and they can’t always use the latest apps. It’s a huge problem for developers — if they target only the most recent software, they don’t know how many customers they’ll be able to reach, and on what timeline.

It appears that unless Google gets more leverage, like the Motorola deal for instance, the search giant can not force these companies to honor their original agreement without contractual obligations.

Jasmine Ashton, December 30, 2011

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One Response to “Herding Cats or Losing Them: Google and the Android Crowd”

  1. Herding Cats or Losing Them: Google and the Android Crowd … | pimproid.com on December 30th, 2011 4:13 am

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