Politicians Try to Surf on Social Media

February 12, 2012

Is this a new type of polling or is it social trolling? Attensity’s blog reports, “Politico Uses Attensity to Analyze SOPA Sentiment.” Attensity took on Politico’s challenge to mine social media for attitudes on the Stop Online Piracy Act. It turns out that people who spend a lot of time online skew heavily against the law. Go figure.

Author James Purchase writes:

If I had to directly summarize this analysis, I would say that the SOPA-opposition is significantly more organized and vocal in using Social Media to make their point. Whether or not the social media outcry affects the outcome of the legislation remains to be seen.

Perhaps, though I hope the uproar against the law has reached the ears of even the most tech-adverse legislators. They have interns, right? Some are awkward too. Wipe out!

Cynthia Murrell, February 12, 2012

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