Bing: The Doing Search System

February 13, 2012

New positioning for Bing: is doing better than deciding? Apparently some market researchers at Microsoft have decided it is; Search Engine Watch reports, “The Decision Engine is Dead: Now Bing Is for Doing.”

A new advertisement features the very active (and inspiring) snowboarder Kevin Pierce. It also emphasizes verbs ending in –ing. You know, like “Bing” does. Writer Danny Goodwin notes:

’We thought now is a good time to evolve from decisions to doing,’ Sean Carver, director for advertising at Bing, told The New York Times. So moving forward, Bing will be the search engine for doing things while aiming for the 18-34 crowd of doers. Bing has been using the ‘Bing and Decide’ slogan since launching 2009.

Yes, actions speak louder than decisions, or at least sound like more fun.

Bing seems to be playing its cards right: the search engine recently displaced Yahoo for second place in the US market. I predict the more action-y stance will pan out for Bing.

Cynthia Murrell, February 13, 2012

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