Enterprise Cloud Services Look for Security and Compliance Solutions

February 14, 2012

Christian Verstraete of HP’s Manufacturing and Distributions Industries Worldwide, recently published, “3 Key Reasons for Enterprise Cloud Services.” He argues there is a place for the Enterprise Cloud alongside the private Cloud and public Cloud. Focus on business critical tasks, namely security, is needed for enterprise cloud services to really take-off.

Verstraete also addresses compliance issues as related to the U.S. Patriot Act. The controversial act was enacted by the U.S. Congress on October 26, 2001 at the request of then President George W. Bush in response to the September 11th terrorist attacks. The U.S. Patriot Act gives both domestic and international surveillance powers to the Justice Department for monitoring American citizens and others within its jurisdiction.

So why does this impact Cloud services? Many in the industry have pointed out that Microsoft may have to share information without notifying the owner, which some, like ZDNet, says affected European Cloud adoption. Verstraete explains these concerns for CIOs:

Another area of concern is how privacy data is managed. Google faces probes over privacy issues; Facebook makes headlines with moves that cause privacy concerns. Ok, these issues are not directly related with public clouds, but the moves concern many CIOs. They want to make absolutely sure they are compliant with legislation, and so are looking for cloud service providers that can guarantee that and are prepared to put it in their contracts.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze uses information pairing technologies to combine your on-site data with Cloud information while addressing security concerns, including those surrounding the Patriot Act. Here you can read about the Folio Cloud by Mindbreeze:

Folio Cloud is certified and tested according to the most important standards for security and reliability: ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000 and SAS 70 Type II. The saving of data takes place in European data centers – the data remains in the European Union. Folio Cloud is based on Open Source software and is free from American owned software products. Access to European Cloud data by American authorities according to the ‘US Patriot Act’ is therefore ruled out.

Check out the full suite of solutions at Mindbreeze to find what works for you.

Philip West, February 14, 2012


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